
Electronic Compliance Management System Functionality


Electronic Safety Management System Functionality

Controls all staff information, security and security permissible, the required staff documentation with expiry dates (medicals, work permits, etc.)

Persons Module

Control setup of the context of the organisation, business processes, policies, procedures, and work procedures.

ISO Requirement

Create your legal register through searching through the legal library with key words and record the interpretation thereof. Legal Register can be linked back to the Document Library, Audit Reports, ect.

Legal Register

Control company Policies and the communication thereof.

Policy Module

Control safety committee meetings. The system will escalate non-conformances to the minutes of the meeting. Actions can be created against items and assigned to the responsible users.

Safety Committee Module

Controls the legal compliance of contractors. Set required safety documentation per industry. Monitors expiry dates of legal documents. See legal compliance of contractors when scheduling work.

Contractor Administration Module

Create Audit Reports for any audit requirement. Escalate any non-conformances immediately through the Action Module.

Audit Reports

Sends reminder emails on any workflow within the system

Reminder Email module

Control reporting of incidents, completion of the required documentation for these incidents and management reporting thereof.

Incident Investigation Module

Controls all documents that are used in the system with document numbers, version control, editor rights, role access, communication requirements

Document Library

This module controls the creation and management process during lockdown. You can import workorders, create Permit Isolation Plan, Isolation Statement, Lock Boxes, print Isolations Plans and Statement. The module will control the process until de-isolation.

Isolation Module

Control Fire and Emergency documentation, fire drill intervals and recording of the fire drills.

Fire and Emergency Module

Controls training requirements, training is linked to legal appointments and the expiry dates of training certificates. Assists with the planning of training in advance.

Training Module

→ Dashboard – View compliance on a single page.
→ Internal Filters – Create company specific reports.
→ Accessible from anywhere, anytime (web based).
→ Filter and navigate to branch or activity level.
→ Accurate information in real time.

Reporting module

Control the issuing of PPE, PPE cannot be issued twice. Ad-hoc issuing can be created for “lost” or damaged PPE. Assists with planning PPE stock levels.

PPE Module

Control Toolbox Talks and the communication sessions.

Toolbox Talks Module

Risk Assessment and ratings can be created electronically. Communication session can be created and a register signed as proof.

Risk assessment module

Will allow you to search for key words through legislation in seconds. You can then view the legal reference and if applicable you can make it part of your legal reference.

Legal Library

Control all appointments, quantify of required appointments and the status thereof.

Appointment Module

Control assignment of employees to specific inductions and the completion thereof. Induction can be in video format and can be used to communicate all company rules and regulations.

Induction Module

Anything can be measured. Non-conformances can be escalated immediately through the Action Module. Can be exported to Excel to identify trends. View registers that must be completed on a calendar.

Register module

Export complete Safety File with all documentation to hard copy for external auditing purposes or record keeping.

Safety File Module

Control Document Library with documentation, legislation and the expiry dates thereof.

Safety Documentation Module

Create an Action Ticket against any non-conformance in the system. The system will send notification email to the involved people. All Action Tickets are displayed on the Dashboard.

Action Notification Module